Would you hop on a plane, go down to Brazil and go off wandering in the rain forests looking for intelligent life? I mean, if you had absolutely no idea what was in those dark jungles and NO ONE did! Unless by a very rare chance you stumble upon some expedition of botanists or anthropology students, my best bet would be that you would be eaten by cannibals or stung by some exotic insect or come into contact with a deadly and poisonous frog. Perhaps you'll be ripped to shreds by a panther? Or bitten to death by fire ants while you're sleeping. Fungal diseases anyone?
Then why is it, I wonder, that most scientists seem so sure that any day now, as we probe deeper and deeper into the vast and completely unknown universe, they will contact some incredibly wonderful, benign and loving extraterrestrials that will give them the secret of the ages and lead the human race on to it's next level of evolution. Carl Sagan's "Encyclopedia Galactic" comes to mind.
No my friends; even much of our own planet remains to be explored, and believe me, allot of the life on this "Good Earth" are such horrible and predatory monsters that they would send you jumping out of bed if you so much as beheld them for a brief moment while dreaming during an afternoon's nap. Most of the ocean depths have yet to be explored. In thousands of years, mankind has only scratched the surface of that watery abyss. And expeditions into the deep jungles are still coming across animal species that are as yet be catalogued and studied. There are also peoples being discovered to this day that have had no contact with modern man and live in such a primitive state that they might make one cringe in fear. Some might like to make you dinner. I mean literally.
So the next time you're watching some fool on TV, claiming to be a, "so called" expert and spouting the great and exciting "first contact" that awaits him, just be thankful that it is he who is reaching out to whatever the hell is out there and not you. I think Rod Serling got it right when he wrote about the extraterrestrial beings who came "To Serve Man."
"It's a cookbook!" "My God... it's a cookbook!"
A bioluminescent Angler fish in the deepest parts of the ocean where there's ABSOLUTELY no light. I mean none!
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