Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Where on Earth is the Earth?

It's a word I recently heard to describe the pantheistic
world view that is taking hold of America in a big way.
Whales are more respected than unborn children.
Tuna cans boast that no dolphins were hurt to provide you with that
can of tasty fish. But what about the tuna?
Environmentalists gripe about the depletion of the rain forests and
over harvesting of the world's woods.
But they never tackle the issue that every household in the
country does when their mailboxes
are stuffed with trash (paper) each
and every day.
What if the fetuses of seals were being harvested
for scientific research? Would not PETA be alarmed?
But human fetuses seem to be less, "sacred" than animals.
Let those that are concerned with the planet
become realistic and less hypocritical.
Why not end the greed?
The lust for more, "stuff."
What do you think?
Photo by J. Peter Hansen

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